IGE expanding strength to provide quality services in business

December 2, 2019 by
IGE expanding strength to provide quality services in business
Aye Thandar

As part of the capacity building programs, IGE group has been providing training courses to its staff to build middle management competency and capabilities. “Middle Management, especially the Heads of Department, is the most critical level in the organization. They have to not only manage their subordinates, but also to manage their superiors,” said Mr. Wong Sau Yee, Deputy General Manager for Training and Development of IGE Corporate Human Resource Department. Training modules specially designed for middle management included the role of manager, managing team conflict through personalities, building and managing team dynamics. All of which can provide clear understanding of the role of manager, an expectation of a manager, stake holder management, type of conflicts and the cause of conflicts, team building.

Odoo • Image and Text
Odoo • Image and Text
Odoo • Image and Text

This is a definite stage in your career path.  It determines what type of leader you will become – A leader who is respected and looked up to, or someone who is despised of. Hence, we developed the 3-modules Management Development Programme series,” said the Trainer, Mr Wong. The participants had opportunities to learn theoretical and practical approach to the middle management of an organization during the two-day training course which is held in August at UAB Training Centre located in in North Dagon Township.

“Some of the HODs said they have faced some difficulties in communication with senior people and any other staffs. That’s why we provide that training. We will do more training in the future”, said Daw Thant Thazin, assistant manager of Training and Development of IGE Corporate Human Resource Development department.

As the company’s valuable asset is human resource, IGE has been consolidating its human resources to become the best competency and capabilities in each of business related area in order to provide the qualities services to its clients.

IGE expanding strength to provide quality services in business
Aye Thandar December 2, 2019
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