Our Risk Management

Effective Risk Management System and Internal Control Procedure

After strengthening group structure according to corporate governance, IGE management and employees are taking full responsible for monitoring the risks across the organization according to standard SOPs of each business unit. The following table is summary for how we monitor the risks.

Frequency Actions
Weekly report The project manager reports the risk register and monitoring procedure as per risk management plan to COO. Identifying the risks and mitigation plan is discussed and updated.
Monthly report COO gives informs to CEO on a monthly basic for risks and mitigation plan.
Quarterly report CEO and team updates to SBU board and Strategy, Business Development & Risk Committee for key risks that might impact to group strategy and discuss for risks response and monitoring plan to ensure sustainability of the business.

Group's compliance with policies and procedures

Entire workforce ensures IGE's compliance with Myanmar laws and regulations such as environmental conservation law, occupational health and safety law as follows.

  • Plan risk management
  • Identify risk
  • Perform qualitative risk analysis
  • Perform quantitative risk analysis
  • Plan risk response
  • Implement risk response
  • Risk monitoring and report