IGE zeroes in on anti-corruption’s movement for business improvement

November 22, 2019 by
IGE zeroes in on anti-corruption’s movement for business improvement
Aye Thandar

With zeroing in on anti-corruption in doing business, IGE actively takes part in anti-corruption movements, when the government has shown its willingness to address corruption as a matter of national concern. In August, the responsible persons of IGE attended the workshop on building business integrity co-hosted by Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business and UNODC which has been working on corruption related issues, particularly with government and the Anti-Corruption Commission. “We are following the anti- corruption law since the government launched. We already had Code of Conduct in which anti-corruption points are also included” , said U Aung Thurein, Deputy General Manager for the Corporate Human Resource Department of IGE. Mr. Troels Vester, UNODC Country Manager remarked at the workshop that corruption is a global phenomenon that negatively impacts development and suppresses economic growth by driving up cost. It also undermines the sustainable management of the environment and natural resources.

The whole-day workshop attended by about 60 Myanmar Companies had provided the experience of anti-corruption movement in local and regional countries, group activities of finding solution against corruption and assessing corruption by voting. According to the World Bank Enterprise Survey conducted in 2016 in Myanmar, almost 30% of firms in the country experience at least one bribe payment request in a year, and in 26% of public transactions a gift or informal payment is requested.

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Odoo • Image and Text

Odoo • Image and Text
Odoo • Image and Text

This is not only a problem for local and international companies, it is a major hindrance to the economy of Myanmar, diminishing the capacity of attracting foreign direct investments. This phenomenon also results in bad quality of public services, hampering the country’s capacity to achieve its full potential in terms of growth and well-being for its people and impacting in particular, Mr. Troels Vester said.

He said companies and public sector working together to clean up the country from corruption is needed. U Aung Thurein said he is proud of participated in the workshop. In fact, the company has been developing policies and disciplines related to anti-corruption, human right, whistle bowlers etc. We believe that these policies are very good for reputation of our company, particularly in today’s competitive market.

IGE zeroes in on anti-corruption’s movement for business improvement
Aye Thandar November 22, 2019
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