Behind the Changes

December 2, 2019 by
Behind the Changes
Aye Thandar

Following changes, the evolution of Myanmar’s business scenario can be seen gradually within certain period. Particularly, for the time of investing in Myanmar by oversea investors, local entrepreneurs are required to transform to be like a regional standard company. Companies are trying to practice corporate governance system, apply business used technology, disclosure information, comply rule and regulations and pay attention to Corporate Social Responsibility.  Being in business since 1994, IGE Group has not hesitated to adopt the new changes and make an effort to practice as an international recognized local company. The Group also learnt the questions sent by MCRB and discussed the challenges and searched the way to overcome the difficulties under the guidance of Chairman who is keen to be a standard local company. IGE Group has reached rank 17 for transparency matter among the other local companies in Myanmar for Pwint Thit Sa's Fifth Report in year 2019.

                                  Odoo • A picture with a caption

Behind the Changes
Aye Thandar December 2, 2019
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