Ngathaingchaing-Gwa road project will be completed in 2021

December 2, 2019 by
Ngathaingchaing-Gwa road project will be completed in 2021
Aye Thandar

Local contractors which won road project tender of JICA ODA loan program met with U Win Htay,  the minister for Ayeyawady Region Electrical Power, Energy, Industry and Transport at road management office in Pathein township on 15 July, 2019.

The meeting was also presented by U San Lwin, Director of Road Department for JICA-ODA loan, U Yan Naing Zaw, Director of road department, Deputy Team Leader Mr. Kenji Ishizuka of JICA Consultant company and officials, Future Creator Group Construction Company Limited (FCGC) and Golden Conguar Company Limited.

The contractors presented their part of detail implementation respectively. The Minister urged the contractors to keep their eye on good quality road, timing and safety during the project.

One of the contractors, Future Creator Group Construction Company Limited  has contracted with JICA on 13 February, 2019 and received JICA concurrence on 14 March, 2019. The company started the project on 15 March, 2019 and will complete on 14 March, 2021.

FCGC will construct for the part of the road, with 18 feet wide, between STA 18+000 KM and STA 35.898 KM, total length 17.898 KM. Guard Rail, Road Sign, Stone Masonry Retaining Wall & Side Drain, Reflectorized Payment Marking are included in the construction.

Practically, FCGC successfully constructed Han Myint Moh- Myo Gyi-YwarNgan road project and Tayana-Phayarkon road project which are under the program of Regional Development Project for Poverty Reduction Phase 1 of JICA ODA Loan.

“This is the third road project with JICA for us. These projects are very challenge for us because we always think about the quality of the road. Working with JICA, we got experience more and more in term of road quality control,” said U Zay Yar Tun, CEO of FCGC company limited.

Under the program of Regional Development Project for Poverty Reduction Phase-2 of JICA ODA loan, Ngathaingchaung-Gwa Road project has been constructed by local companies since early 2019.

Ngathaingchaing-Gwa road project will be completed in 2021
Aye Thandar December 2, 2019
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