Onboarding Policy


      To ensure all new employees are well accommodated with required tools, resources and training and help them to understand and be engaged with the culture of the organisation to be able to perform with their best.


      This policy applies to all new employees (Executives & above) in any Strategic Business Units (SBUs) of IGE Group of Companies.


      1. Onboarding: It is the process of welcoming new employees into an organisation and providing them with the tools, resources and knowledge to become successful and productive.
      2. Permanent Employee: A person who is appointed as permanent employee under the regulated employment in any SBU of IGE Group of Companies.


      1. Concerned Human Resources Department (HRD) is required to develop, implement, monitor and maintain a documented onboarding programme for all new recruited employees.
      2. The duration of Onboarding is 2 months after joining
      3. HRD must facilitate all required policy, procedures & important information of related department such as Finance, HR, Admin, IT etc. are well communicated to all new employees.
      4. Head of Department (HoD) is responsible to coordinate with HR teams for new employees onboarding.
      5. HoD must assign a person permanently/rotately for explaining related departmental policy, procedures and required information to new employees.
      6. All new recruited employees are responsible to join and follow Onboarding schedule and must complete all the activities.
      7. HRD must collect feedback from all new employees on their Onboarding experience as per procedure to ensure programmes remain up-to-date, active, and effective


      A) Pre-Boarding Stage

      HRD shall do the following things before the new employee onboarding. Related departments need to coordinate with HRD.

      • Contact new employees to confirm joining date two weeks ahead before onboarding.
      • Share new employee’s starting date and basic personal information to following departments in order to prepare needed amenities within one week before onboarding. HRD must facilitate all processes.
        • Inform concerned department to arrange budget and check office equipment availability.
        • Inform Finance department for budget processes.
        • Inform IT department to set up desktop/laptop computer, office e-mail, office phone extension and related IT accessories
        • Inform admin department to arrange transportation, workspace with required material and equipment, business cards (if necessary), list of accommodation (only for expatriate) for viewing.
      • Schedule the meeting arrangement one week ahead before onboarding with related Board Members and/or Head of SBU (HoS) for GM & above positions.
      • HRD send the welcome letter & required onboarding information to new employees by email. (Executive and above positions only)
      B) First Day of Onboarding (1st Working Day)

      HRD must ensure the following processes.

      • Welcome new employee.
      • Ensure employment contract and code of conduct is signed by employee.
      • Brief the new employee on the onboarding programme itinerary and give schedule (HR-FM-R&S-013).
      • Register new employee’s finger print attendance.
      • Escort the new employee to his/her workplace and introduce with related department’s colleagues and superior.
      • Escort the new employee around the office environment and introduce him/her to other departments.
      • Ensure new employee has been briefed the company policy, leave & attendance policy, benefits policy, disciplinary policy.
      • Keep new employee’s information in organisation data records.
      • Send information of new comer to existing employees and ask them to welcome him/her.

      C) Orientation Process
      • HoD needs to conduct departmental orientation within three working days of joining.
      • For SBU, HRD need to conduct Business Unit Orientation Training within one week of new employee onboarding. (SBUs’ employees only).
      • For all business units, Corporate Human Resource (CHR) Department needs to ensure all new employees attend Corporate Orientation Training within the first month of joining.
      D) Evaluation after one month of onboarding

      HRD must arrange the following processes:

      • Obtain feedback on new employee’s competencies and attitude from his or her direct superior by 60-70 Days after joining.
      • Obtain feedback from new employee’s related with onboarding process by survey form by 60-70 Days after joining.
      • Arrange meeting with new employee for face to face feedback section by 70 – 80 Days after joining
      • Keep the record of feedback in new employee’s personal files by 80 Days after joining before giving approved confirmation.